That feeling - when life gets loud, stressful, and overwhelming, and suddenly, our emotions are running the show.
Whether it’s the never-ending demands of work, a packed schedule, or, in my case, karaoke blasting outside my window every second - third night, it’s easy to feel like peace is something that happens when everything has calmed down.
But inner peace isn’t about waiting for the noise to stop - it’s about learning how to stay steady even when life is unpredictable and throws you curve balls.
Why Do We Struggle to Stay Calm?
Most people think that feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or emotionally drained is just part of life.
But in reality, these feelings stem from two things.
Trying to control things that aren’t ours to control (other people’s actions, external chaos, life’s unpredictability).
Not having the tools to shift our mindset and emotional responses when challenges arise.
So how do we break free from this cycle?
How do we cultivate a sense of calm when the world feels cray cray?
What follows is more than a quick-fix strategy. This will create a real shift in how you engage with the world and how you show up in your day to day life.
Step 1: Accept What You Can’t Control and What You Can't Change.
The first step to cultivating inner peace is acceptance.
There will always be things outside of your control.
There are many things you simply cannot change.
The more you resist, the more frustrated you become!
Instead, try asking yourself: Is this something I change? Is this within my control?
If not, then let it go and focus on what you CAN control - your response, your thoughts, and your energy.
I used to get frustrated by the karaoke outside my house.
I’d sit on the couch wondering when it would be over, hoping it would stop by the time I went to bed.
But once I accepted that it was completely out of my control and that I couldn’t change it, I found such peace and calm.
The noise was still there, but the annoyance and frustration (believe it or not) literally dissipated and it was the most freeing thing EVER!!!
Step 2: Shift Your Perspective
What if the things that annoy you could actually help you grow?
Instead of seeing the karaoke as an attack on my evening rituals, I reframed it.
I imagined the people singing, smiling and having the best time.
I imagined they were celebrating life, expressing themselves creatively and spending time with their family and friends.
Suddenly, my frustration turned into compassion, acceptance even appreciation.
They weren’t annoying neighbors- they were people letting go and having fun!
And by shifting my perspective, I found peace where I used to find annoyance.
The next time something annoys you, pause.
Ask yourself: Is there another way I could see this?
Sometimes, a simple shift in perspective is all it takes to reclaim your calm.
Step 3: Regulate Your Nervous System
Even if your mind wants to stay calm, your body might be in fight-or-flight mode, making it impossible.
That’s why learning to regulate your nervous system is a critical part of emotional mastery.
✅ Breath-work: Try the 4-4-8 method - inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 8.
✅ Movement: A short walk, stretching, or shaking off tension resets your system.
✅ Cold exposure: A splash of cold water or a quick cold shower can instantly shift your state.
The more you practice these, the easier it becomes to stay grounded - even amongst all the noise.
The EQ Edge: Learn to Lead Your Emotions
If you’re tired of feeling like the outside world is in control of your inner world, it’s time to take back your power.
The EQ Edge is designed to help high-achievers and professionals master their emotional intelligence, cultivate resilience, and show up as their best selves - even in the face of chaos.
Life will always throw curveballs and moments of chaos your way. However, it’s how you choose to respond in those moments that matters. Navigating back on track with confidence and resilience will help you grow stronger and more adaptable.
Check out The EQ Edge 7-week online group program today.
The next intake begins 25th March, 2025.
DM me “EQ” for the full program details.
With gratitude,
Laree x